
Anime Matsuri 2013(Waveya出演)

2013年 3月 29日 (金曜日)   (全日イベント)
2013年 4月 1日 (月曜日)  
Hyatt Regency, Houston, TX
Anime Matsuri is the largest anime & Japanese pop culture convention in Houston, TX.

The 7th annual event will take place on March 29-31, 2013, Easter weekend at the Hyatt Regency Downtown Houston.

# What is Anime Matsuri ?

Anime Matsuri is an annual Anime, Japanese Culture and Related Arts Convention.

Join thousands of fans and explore of over 100,000 sq feet of Anime, Japanese Fashion Show, Cosplay Contests, Special Guests, Celebrities, Vendors/Exhibitors Area, Artists Alley, Gaming, Live Concerts, Workshop, Panels, and over 100hrs of programming; Even an outdoor carshow!
For the three day weekend, Anime Matsuri creates an atmosphere for talented artists, business leaders, ambitious students and many more who come together to express creative ideas and find solutions to industry questions.
But most importantly, we host Anime Matsuri because we are passionate about the amazing world of Japanese culture. YES we love it!

Anime Matsuri
March 29-31, 2013
Hyatt Regency, Houston, TX

You'll find Waveya here

Kpop Panel
7:30 PM on Friday in Main Events 2

Kpop Dance Workshop
1:00 PM on Saturday in Main Events 2

Pre Show
9:30 PM on Saturday in Main Events

Club AM Friday
12:30 AM on Saturday in Main Events

AM Cosplay Contest
5:00 PM on Saturday in Main Events


Waveya consists of unique members with a concoction of sexy, powerful and cute.
With cover dances of KPOP and US Billboard music, as well as creatively choreographed dances; Waveya has a following of 80,000 fans in Korea.
Their cover dance of PSY’s Gangnam Style (uploaded on Youtube) has hit 70,000,000 views, which is more than the hits on the music video of Korea’s greatest girl group “Girl Generation.”
Waveya has become an international sensation and has been loved by fans in many different countries.

They are debuting in USA at Anime Matsuri!
カテゴリー K-POPカバーダンス
投稿者 hkadmin
レコード表示 公開
最終更新日 2013年 3月 12日 (火曜日)


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